Making Miracles Happen With Deborah Graham
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About Deborah Graham
For more than 30 years, Deborah Graham has been predicting the innermost thoughts and dreams for people looking for answers. She is a professional spiritualist, advisor and Psychic Matchmaker™, and has been connecting with people on all levels. As the star of a TLC series “The Psychic Matchmaker,” Deborah is known throughout the U.S., and in 150 countries in Asia, South America and Europe.
Deborah is the star SiriusXM Stars Channel 109 “Psychic Connection with Deborah Graham” morning show on Sundays (and the only psychic with a show on the entire network). She has appeared on the Hallmark Channel, Cosmo, Glamour, and over 100+ radio shows across the country, to name a few, Deborah has released her recent book, Psychic Deborah Graham’s Guide to Attracting and Keeping Your True Love (HCI Books), which encourages readers to look up and out at the possibilities of finding true love (rather than constantly looking towards an App to find the perfect mate)! Collectively, Deborah has over 92,000 followers on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.