Making Miracles Happen With Karlita Nabours-Palermo
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About Karlita Nabours-Palermo
Karlita Nabours-Palermo is a spiritual teacher & guide, intuitive coach, and licensed family nurse practitioner. Her work is deeply grounded and practical, based on the principle “What works?” to create real, positive change on Earth. Her unique blend of modalities – including an empowering take on astrology, Akashic records, and various other psychological and esoteric tools – combines with her natural gifts as a channel for divine wisdom. She helps clarify how a person is uniquely designed to succeed: the gifts and approaches that are key to their purpose, abundance, and successful manifestation. Clients and students are guided to integrate these insights into their daily lives for transformed results.
OMG the scarcity mindset of …. it has to work (this time or it will never work!