Making Miracles Happen With Peter Sterling

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About Peter Sterling

Peter Sterling is a award winning harpist who began to play after a series of life changing angelic encounter’s in the canyons of Sedona in the early 1990’s. His heart felt and celestial harp music has touched the hearts and souls of people world wide with many listeners reporting beautiful visions,angel encounters and even miraculous healing’s while listening to Peter’s heavenly music. During his 28 year career with the harp his recordings have been at the top of the radio charts and nominated for several awards. Recently Peter new album Sanctuary of Light was nominated for a Hollywood Music Award for Best New Age Album in 2020. His book “Hearing the Angels Sing” published by Light Technology Publishing, chronicles his 28 year journey as one of the angels harpists bringing the heavenly harmonics to earth during this time of rapid planetary transformation. Peter presents lectures and workshops on angels, creativity and the healing power of sound and music world wide. He resides in the red rock country of Sedona Az where he guides individuals and groups into the magic and mystery of the back country and sacred power spots.


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